Welcome to the Scottish Exoplanet/Brown Dwarf Spring meeting 2022!
Over the past decades (exo)planet and low-mass star research across Scotland has gone from strength to strength and so, to highlight these advances the Universities of Edinburgh and St Andrews have jointly hosted eleven Scottish Exoplanet/Brown Dwarf meetings over the past seven years. We have heard talks on progress in theorterical studies such as in proto-planetary disks dynamics and the 3D modelling of exoplanet atmospheres, whereas on the instrumentation and observations side we've seen developments in CHEOPS, JWST, ExoMars, the SUPAscopes, and LSST.
In the spirit of the meeting we enourage new PhD students, postdocs, and incoming staff to introduce their research to our Scottish Exoplanet/Brown Dwarf community.
In this meeting we will hear about such work with the goal being to facilitate discussion and collaboration between Scotland-based exoplanet and brown dwarf researchers, and to provide a platform for junior community members to present results.
We therefore are excited to welcome you for an in person meeting of the Scottish Exoplanet / Brown Dwarf Spring meeting 2022 (SEBD12) to be held in Theatre C in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in St Andrews on 11 April 2022.
Title submission: closed
Registration: closed
There is no registration fee.
Science programme: Meeting outline:
13:30 - Welcome
13:40 - Emma Johanna Puranen
14:00 - Samuel Pearson
14:20 - Aleks Scholz
14:40 - Trent Dupuy
15:00 - James Hitchcock
15:20 - Break
16:00 - Giacomo Mantovan
16:20 - Ancy Anna John
16:40 - Beth Biller 17:00 - Meeting end
Previous meetings: SEBD11, SEBD10, SEBD9, SEBD8, SEBD7, SEBD6, SEBD5, SEBD4, SEBD3, SEBD2, SEBD1
This meeting is sponsored by:
We are very grateful to SUPA (www.supa.ac.uk) for supporting our long-term initiative for a Scottish Exoplanet/Brown Dwarf meeting series between Edinburgh and St Andrews.